
chaos.rumination.pushing.squeezing.crowding.pressing.hustling.control.loss of control.urge.order.perfectionism.patience.impatience.escapism.city.people.population.channels.social.anti social.breathe.air.trust.perspectives.scepticism.globalisation.in between.internet.data.big data.information.privacy.publicity.analysis.code.reduction.minimalism.stuck.hub.



Suhé Barts is a Swiss-born artist with roots in Morocco and Turkey. Born and raised in Zurich, her world is multi-cultural, urban and dynamic. With her diverse ethnic origins, an academic background as a linguist and literary scholar, calibrated with her artistic spirit which she already nurtured in high school with a curriculum focussed on arts, she has a unique perspective on the world around her and a constantly pressing urge to break down the complexities of existance. With her wired motifs, she draws attention to the tangles in even the smallest things and finds delight in exploring the interconnections on the two-dimensional level in moments of time stasis.


Suhé Barts is an artist who is pushing the boundaries of the art world with her groundbreaking style: synapseism. Barts’ paintings are a tour-de-force of nature, energy and philosophical enquiry. Working in her signature style, Barts has devised and mastered her own formal language with which to explore existential poetics. To look at her paintings is to see a unique painterly language at work, one that treads a careful balance between opposing qualities. Abstract on first impressions and resolving into an understated figuration, Barts’ compositions equally juxtapose the most straightforward, often monochrome, palettes and minimalist sensibilities with a geometric syntax that invites complexity. This scheme allows Barts to go beyond the poetics of creating a visual world into the realm of metaphysical, unconscious exploration. 

The minimalist aesthetic at the heart of Barts’ practice is a structure in which notions of existence become fluid and into which her figurative work can be situated to consider the nature of being and unconsciousness. Her compositions evoke an immediate sense of something breaking apart, dissolving or evaporating. Yet the opposite is also apparent. We see something coming to be, a formation, a beginning. Barts’ synoptic paintings capture a vortex of being where centripetal and centrifugal energies are harmoniously present. That palpable kinetic life force plays out in paintings with formation, unity and decay present as a reminder of nature's universal transience.